Being a superhero isn’t all about the costume and whizzing around!
Our favourite superhero’s are back! Thursday 26
th April is the return of the avengers,
Infinity War, and we could not be more excited!

In spirit of Infinity War and Superhero Day which happens to fall on Saturday 28
th we thought it would only be suitable to have a Superhero themed blog post!
Superhero’s come in all shapes and forms, whether that’s a parent rescuing you from school or taxiing you around, a best friend helping you escape from an awkward date, or simply a Bath Blaster restoring tired skin.

A superhero is known for
helping people and yeah don’t get me wrong, it would be cool if you could fly! But being a superhero isn’t all about the costume and whizzing around.
It’s about helping others and putting someone else’s needs before your own.
We’re constantly
inspired by superheroes fictional or nonfictional, so we’ve created a few products which we hope will help you or come to your rescue when you need it most.
Obvs you won’t see a Bath Blaster flying around your bathroom wearing a cape!
"Beat the blues with a fizz, bang, pop as the stars sparkle and pure Lemongrass & Bergamot essential oils effervesce to strengthen your soul and spirit. With a spicy fragrance of lemongrass and black pepper to heighten and lift your mood!"
"Our weapon of choice when it comes to taking a dip! Vitalise your virtues with Patchouli & Clary Sage Essential Oils stimulating your senses, we laugh in the face of danger!"
"Feel the power & enable yourself to soak in a supernova! Using Rosemary & Frankincense essential oils, you'll be the skin savior!"
"Get ready to save the world with pure essential oils and natural butters!!!"

We hope you enjoy Infinity War and our Superhero product recommendations! Let us know what you think: