Birthday's don't stop because of a worldwide pandemic & our hearts go out to those who have to spend them in isolation. We've heard from many of you that plans have had to be cancelled last minute and know how hard it must be staying away from the ones you love. That’s why we’ve come up with some ideas on how to make it special despite being in lockdown and would love to hear from you too!
Picnic In The Garden
Ironically, the sun seems to have shone every day that we are in isolation. So for those who are lucky enough to have a garden, why not make the most of the space outside. The combination of fresh air & green grass beneath your feet can do a world of good for your mood. Treat yourself to your favourite food and drink and bask in your patch of calm. Arrange it so your loved one's have one in their gardens and join you for a virtual garden party. If you have members in your household who can join you, why not put on some timeless classic games such as pin-the-tail, treasure hunts or musical chairs? These take minimal effort and supplies to set up but create a memorable birthday that's reminiscent of a more simpler time.

Communal singing has also helped lift spirits! Last week, neighbours helped Bernard Burgess celebrate his 84th birthday in Bramhall, Greater Manchester, by singing Happy Birthday from their windows as he gave them a wave. Those with gardens or balconies can easily let someone special know you are thinking of them by belting out their favourite songs – provided everyone remains two metres apart!
A Party Without Cake is Just a Meeting
What symbolises celebrations more than a decadant cake! We've found that just as much joy comes from baking it as it does eating it! Steph from The Little Cup Of Kindness blog has some fantastic recipes that has got us into the kitchen and experimenting with different flavours. Just take a look at those AMMAZZZINNNG lotus fairycakes she did below! Whipping up treats in the kitchen can do more than just create yummy food though, it has also been found to have therapeutic value which helps to ease depression and anxiety.

But, it's your birthday & you can do what you want to! Prefer Cheesecakes or Pies? Make one of those instead! It's your party!
Virtual House Party!
Put your cocktail making skills to the test, crank the music up and video call your squad to create a club atmosphere without having to queue in the cold to get in! You can even share your Birthday jams on a Spotify playlist so you can all boogie to the same beat. Remember you're the VIP of Club-solation, so it's your rules when it comes to what's on the setlist!

Spa Day
First things first, set the mood - put on some calming music, light some candles and get your fluffiest towels out! Run yourself a hot one as you pour yourself a cold one. Now, get ready to dive into a bath full of serene scents to help you relax. Our Bath Bomb's are also the easiest way to enjoy aromatherapy as they are packed with pure essential oils! These gifts from Mother Nature have the powerful ability to heighten or alter your mood. You can even have a spa treatment in the comfort of your home home using our Oil Based Scrubs, Massage Bars and Bath Salts!

Plan Your Party For a Later Date
One thing we all need to remember is that lockdown is only temporary. Start planning what you want to do to celebrate your belated birthday and cash in all those I.O.U gifts!

So, if you are celebrating while in lockdown, we are sending lots of Bomb hugs and would love to hear what you are doing to make it special. Lots of Love xx