The daily essentials of the Bomb Team are revealed!
Let’s be honest, we all have those essential products which we can’t live without. Ran out of mascara? Looks like I’m not going to work today! Because Honey, no one is seeing this face without mascara, I wouldn’t put you through that. Or you have a daily routine and if you miss something out, you feel lost… like forgetting your daily stalk on Instagram - there’s no chance I’m missing who Taylor Swift is dating next!
Here are our everyday essentials, the ‘must dos’ and the ‘I’d die without’ – just the simple things that get us through the day and help to make it a little brighter!

We start the day with pressing the snooze button. And trust me, it’s pressed more than once. Although having an alarm is something we could definitely live without everyday – our phone is the BIGGEST (#1) essential ever and not to mention, a life saver! Anyway, after (eventually) surfacing from bed we prep our skin with our
Aloha Wave Face Cream (#2). Personally, I find that the Aloha Wave Face Cream leaves my skin feeling fresh and not at all greasy – perfect for when it comes to applying two of our much needed daily essentials (#3 & 4): concealer and mascara! The concealer is great for hiding the dreaded spot (which FYI was totally not there last night!) and - it’s quick and easy.
A hot cup of coffee and warm bowl of porridge later (#5) – and we are sat at our work desk wondering when our next food break is going to be! We can’t live without our snacks. I’m currently sat here with a sticker on my top which states ‘Office Snacker’ – to which, I’m proud to own up to! Our next daily essential (#6) is something which we are sure everyone does – use social media platforms. Everything from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat… You name it, we check it. Whether it’s lunch hour or a coffee break, I can guarantee the first thing I’ll do is check my newsfeed.

After a long day at work, and oh my flipping nora do I feel knackered – the next daily (#7) essential would have to be a hot bath with our
Hypnobath blaster. A swirly glittery sensation dusted with fairy magic is enough to bring anyone round. Whilst having a soak and sipping on a glass of wine (or hot chocolate depending on the day!) we'll apply a
French Kiss Clay Face Mask (#8). Using this clay mask helps provide deep nourishment for my skin, after the stresses of the day, our face is most likely to show it and need a little help getting over it.
So, the end of the evening is near! And we have two last essential things on our list to share with you. Of course dinner goes without saying that it’s an essential – duh! So we’ll go with switching on Netflix (#9) and how easy it is to binge watch a series, like Pretty Little Liars and Stranger Things. And finally! The last thing on our list… is to cuddle the cat/dog (#10). Uh-huh, that’s right! They will be loved – whether they want to be or not! We need them, and our day would not be the same without them. If you don’t have a pet, then grab the Ben and Jerry’s – because you need some company!
Let us know if your routine is similar or if you'd do anything differently. If you aren't watching Pretty Little Liars - you better get started!