Sending my selfie to NASA, because I'm a star.
Is your selfie game stronger than Kim K's?
Everyone knows that she is the Queen of Selfie snaps. And if you are in denial then perhaps you should put your best angle forward, agreed?
In this blog post I've put together Kim K's top tips so you too can get all those insta likes - every girl's dream. No need to thank me.
**You can also check out which products you might need to be selfie ready! Just click

Here at
Bomb HQ we thought we'd also give Kim's tips a try! (See above picture for results,
And now it's your turn to check out Kim's Top Selfie Tips!
Don't fight it, you know you want to know!
"You want to blow out everything that you don't want to see and highlight the things you want,"
Try standing next to a window or standing outside, because let's be honest the perfect selfie isn't going to happen under the bed covers.
WARNING! Fluorescent lighting is not our friend!
I don't want to be seeing any double chins! By holding the camera up, and putting your chin down - it will ensure your features appear more streamlined.
Now obviously this might not apply to everyone. It's all about knowing your angles and totally killin' it.
We are all guilty to pulling the duckface at least 10 times when taking a picture. I mean, a selfie isn't a selfie unless you are pouting right?
"I love it because it gives you cheekbones - though it does make people mad,"
"A lot has to do with how your crop it," "If you don't like something on your body, you just crop it."
Some weird pole popping out of your head? Just crop it!
Everyone gets spots!
No, I'm afraid I haven't got any tips on how to get rid of spots for life... BUT! There are some amazing editing apps out there.
Smooth skin, longer eyelashes - basically Photoshop but easier.
Just don't go too crazy yeah? Editing apps should be used for good and not evil. At the end of the day, you still want to look like you in your selfies.
**Check out which products you might need to be selfie ready! Just click