Mini Mid-Week Pamper

Mini Mid-Week Pamper

Those days between Monday and Friday? They're tough. With all that goes on throughout the week, it's hard to find the time to actually sit down and relax. We like to have a proper pamper on a Sunday to really set us up for the week ahead, but here's what we like to do to make that in between time a little bit easier. Pamper Night

To start with, we like to use a balm cleanser to remove all of the make up and grime on our face that's built up throughout the day. We massage it in for a couple of minutes to really get our circulation going and then wipe off with a damp flannel. We then go in for our second cleanse using Dirty Angels Face Wash, and use the same flannel to wipe away. If our skin is feeling particularly dry or just looking a little bit 'blah' we'll then head in with a facial scrub such as Rosy Cheeks to get that healthy glow back in to our faces. If having a bath, we choose a blaster such as Flying Saucers. We find the soothing scent really helps us drift off to sleep better (plus there's a piping of cocoa and shea butter sandwiched in the middle - super moisturising!). If opting for a shower, we love using Chilla Vanilla Shower Butter; a super rich and creamy cleanser which leaves our skin feeling oh-so-supple. If our skin is still feeling a little dry, we'll use a body polish all over just to remove any dead skin cells. Feel free to skip this next step if you're like us and only wash your hair every few days. Our shampoo bars are like a little hidden wonder. The Wow Factor is a moisturising shampoo bar which helps leave your hair as flowy and soft as a mermaids (plus it also smells of lavender!) A pamper night would not be complete without a good ol' face mask. Honolulu Healer is brilliant at detoxifying and refreshing the skin, leaving you with a healthy glow. We like to leave this on for a minimum of 10 minutes to really reap in the benefits. We then finish off with a healthy dosage of para-para- Paradise Skin, a beautifully rich moisturiser that sinks in quickly and doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy. Extras Reading a good book, a nice hot chocolate/cup of tea, time out from electronics, a Little Hotties blend (try Riverside Picnic), fresh pyjamas, relaxing music (we love Ludovico Einaudi at the moment). Let us know in the comments what you like to do when in need of a little pamper.